We all know that our world is very much in need of healing for so many reasons. October is also National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Musicians join together over ZOOM to offer songs of healing during this 75 minute concert, as others offer poems and reflections woven between the music. Ticket donations will go to support both Sharsheret, a national non-profit organization whose expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and Ivrim Jews Without Borders, whose mission it is to foster personal spiritual growth through all stages of life.
Musical talent:
Jessi Roemer Joe Buchanan Shira Lissek Joel Segel Micah Shapiro Lisa Levine Matt Austerklein Elyssa Austerklein
Melissa Rosen, Sharsheret
Sarah Bunin Benor, PhD
Concert for Healing
We all know that our world is very much in need of healing for so many reasons. As Jews, we have just spent much energy directed to the work of teshuvah, or returning to God, as we experienced the High Holy Days.
This concert takes place on the New Moon, the first day of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, known as the "empty month." The emptiness may be understood as fertile ground for reemerging from the intensity of the High Holy Days onto the new path we have set out for our next year. Healing seems to be an essential component of this reemergence.
Healing comes in all forms - healing of the body - healing of the spirit - and healing of the mind. In this concert we are focusing on the entire being.
October is also National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Jewish women are disproportionately affected by this illness. It is important to draw attention to prevention and honor to stories of those who have survived and the lives of those who have been lost. Many of us know this from our own family histories, and may even be experiencing it right now. We honor the uniqueness and interconnectedness of these journeys.
This concert is run by Ivrim Jews Without Borders, a "synagogue in your heart,” dedicated to personal spiritual growth through all stages of life.
Ticket donations will go to support both Sharsheret*, a national non-profit organization whose expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and Ivrim Jews Without Borders.